Page 08: Use of ICTs by SMEs 

        One of the main reasons ICTs should be used by SMEs lies the need to improve production efficiency and the distribution of commodity itself. Yet if we concentrate the analysis on the access to the Internet, this motivation does not seem to be among the more important ones. ICTs are already part of the production process of almost all firms, but connection is made to the Net for pure commercial reasons, in fulfilment of the function of shop-window displays. In reality SMEs could also reap benefits, but they often consider themselves too small and believe that the whole operation is beyond their financial mans. SMEs are the ideal customers thanks to their flexibility, and if it is true that certain dimensions (e.g. employees, several buildings) are needed to apply certain innovations (such as teleworking), this need does not exist when firms want to exploit the potentials of electronic commerce and the connection to the Net, for instance to wholesalers or customers. 
        As we could expect, the reasons SMEs use ICts are due to the dimensions of the firm, its geographical and sectorial position, the degree of opening to the external ambient, the foresight of the entrepreneur and the number of firms and users already within the Net. The latter is not widely known because of the ignorance regarding the concept of working on the Net. Another reason that SMEs use ICTs which is not usually mentioned is the process of learning by using. This is because very often there is only one person inside the SME who is responsible for the informative system, which makes his training easy and the increasing rationalisation over the firm's information processing obvious. 
        SMEs tend not to use the more innovative technologies but instead rely on the less advanced but more tested ones. I discussed briefly the idea of CCC (control, cooperation and co-ordination) to explain the impact of ICTs on SMEs in their organisational process, and how ICTs can affect SMEs thanks these three fundamental characteristics. It is possible to say that the competitiveness of SMEs will depend less on production profits but more on the correct use of information. 
        SMEs are at any rate, on the level of a theory, one of the best users of ICTs thanks to their flexibility. But very often this advantage can be lost when there is no knowledge about the new methods of organization and production. 

Page 09: Not using of ICTs by SMEs 


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Last update: 15 July 2006